why does naofumi marry melty

He refuses to believe all the rumors of Naofumi's "evil deeds" and claims that there must be a reason for his doings. She is the sword and he is the shield - they complement each other symbolically, thematically, and emotionally. Naofumi trusts her implicitly. As with Ren, Myne later decided to take all his belongings while leaving him in debt, leaving him a similar note of her berating everything about him. The Light Novel series is the source material for the adaptation of the Anime and Manga series. It is Naofumi's main dream to be able to one day capture Witch and reciprocate all of the evil which has been done to him. Working with their sect to further discredit Naofumi by murdering her younger sister, second princess Melty because their mother; Queen Mirella, chose the latter to take the throne over her firstborn. Ambition of the Red Princess is a Rising of the Shield Hero Alternate Universe Fic co-written by Qinlongfei and Comrade Broseph.. The churchman portraying the true character of a fascist megalomaniac with a god complex, backed by narrowminded delusions pertaining to holy justifications for all the great deal of many horrendous actions committed by his Church/Cult. Because of Kizuna, Glass starts to become more mellow towards Naofumi. As she spends time within Naofumi's village, she gains confidence and immense fighting skills. Naofumi, seeing Itsuki in his current condition, brings him to his village where Rishia continues to look after him. He began to see how Atla had more potential in combat than her brother and reconsidered her usefulness that he sparred with her along with Raphtalia. To spur him into action, Naofumi pretended to be villain. Opting to stage a populist uprising to overtake the kingdom. Naofumi's relationship with Itsuki is very strained, to put it politely. His skills come from a blacksmith from the East. In Naofumi's world, Naofumi and Raphtalia were holding a wedding ceremony until Atla interfered, so whether Naofumi still married Raphtalia or not in Japan seems up to the viewers to think. Was an agreement in their shared hollow viewpoint of the Shield Hero. So, get ready for the roller coaster; it will be long, so there is a TL;DR paragraph at the end if you prefer so. He is subsequently stripped of all his rights to the throne, along with any power he had already accrued within the kingdom. Melty, on the other hand, cares for her sister's well being (even after Malty attempted to murder her) despite knowing full well her rotten character, but also understands that Malty needs to be punished and held accountable for her crimes. Ren, like the other Heroes, now holds the same contempt and hatred for Witch, however the former princess herself is shown to be largely unaffected by his grudge against her and in her arrogance and self-absorption, still believes that she could still trick him to do her bidding despite her repulsive actions towards the Sword Hero. through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Understandably, Raptalia hates Malty for what she did to Naofumi and holds her as a personal enemy. The Rising of Shield Hero Naofumi Naofumi Iwatani is the male protagonist of the show The Rising of Shield Hero. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Malty seemed to consider Raphtalia nothing but an annoyance and (as most noble people in Melromarc usually do) a lowly demi-human. Unfortunately for Raphtalia, Naofumi misses her point completely, as he still sees her as the young girl he started with despite her maturity. Why does Glass kill naofumi? While he knew he was being used by her, he also knew that she needed him, so he was willing to put up with it. Motoyasu would continually believe Malty's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble. If this hypothesis is true, then Naofumi is the reason for the shield hero to be called . Physical appearance. Naofumi's originally kind personality snapped violently, he became distrustful of anyone who is not a slave, and for a very long time held contempt for women in general. She further describes Naofumi as being like a parental figure to all his slaves - much to Naofumi's annoyance, as he denies being a slave master. Does Naofumi marry melty? When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . "You can become the King if you marry her." So I would take over Aultcray's position or something, she mean? Also supposedly he is sucessful in going back to his world or something, but leaves himself also in their world. When Naofumi enters L'Arc's world and ends up befriending Kizuna, they eventually rekindle the old relationship they had before L'Arc tried to kill him. When Melty first met Filo she immediately became interested in her which stems from her fascination with Filolials in general. Itsuki Kawasumi However, after some time, he ended up becoming just like others, selfish to the core! They come to admire each others talents and sympathize with each other. Like many others, she finds some clear fault with Naofumi's personality. so far in the LNs (including untranslated novels, which are up to volume 22) Naofumi only has intentions to marry Raphtalia and is only in a relationship with her. Malty somehow managed to find common ground with the remnant assets that remained of the Three Heroes Cult after their church was deconsecrated and dissolved. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. Despite initially being enemies of the royal family. As a King, he gave too much preferential treatment and blatant favoring to the Spear Hero with the sole reason of Malty being in his party. Volume 16 Spoilers It was the perfect crime to paint the narrative that the Shield Hero is . Eclair was also the governor of the land which Naofumi eventually took over. As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. The two first met when Sadeena, under the alias Nadia, gives Naofumi advice on how the Zeltoble colosseum works. Raphtalia becomes significantly more outgoing towards Naofumi and even has a decent handle on him, carefullyfinding ways to get him to comply with her choices despitetheir master-slave relationship. Naofumi initially believed Motoyasu played a part in framing him for raping Malty for his own personal gains, but over time, Naofumi came to realize that Motoyasu is very naive, delusional, stupid and evidently doesn't know that he's being manipulated by Malty. How Many Episodes Will The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Have. Melty cares for Aultcracy, as he is her father, though she couldn't stand his fawning behavior towards her older sister. She was wearing her boots and a one-piece sundress, so it wasn't difficult to run towards where Naofumi is. This motivated Trash to wake up from his stupor and regain his title of the Wisest King of Wisdom and the Staff Hero. Like the phenomenon of level grinding that Naofumi experiences with Raphtalia, Filo quickly grows beyond a normal Filolial and is later revealed to be an extremely rare Filolial Queen, manifesting in her ability to assume the form of a youthful human girl. She wants Naofumi to look at her as an adult woman and has stripped completely naked in front of him to get his opinion of her nude figure. Both dislike the fact that they are engaged but it seems like it cannot easily be undone. Not sure how many episodes this will take but yes Naofumi exacts very satisfying revenge on the Princess. He gets rid of the cold, lonely, and cool persona he was trying so hard to maintain for a genuine hard-working attitude. Finding the portly looking man to be little more than a rather disgusting individual with a fanaticism issue. Mr. Iwatani's originally kind personality snapped violently, he became distrustful of anyone who is not a slave, and for a very long time held contempt for women in general. They decide to keep travelling together because it is safer, especially for Naofumi because his levels have been reset. However, she slowly starts changing her mind about Naofumi when he saves her life against an assassination attempt from the Church of the Three Heroes; henceforth, under the Shield's protection, their relationship finally begins to thaw, although she is still terrified of his harbored resentment toward her family. She's the first person,after Erhard, to take his sideafter what Malty did to him, and the one who ultimately succeeds in bringing him out of his despair. Naofumi likened Mr. Rabier to be a rather revolting slob of a noble with inflated self-worth. Often talking grandiose speeches of gods mercy while the former simply came to them for a purchase of holy water. After S'yne managed to speak again without any interference in his voice and S'yne's Sister revealed part of S'yne's past to Naofumi, he has tried to get her to tell him what he knows. Naofumi eventually stripped her of her responsibilities and gave them to Melty instead. Naofumi is presumed to have the appearance of a 20-year-old man because of his age. As well as orchestrating another, somewhat unlawful, duel between the two in a populated township on the grounds of another slave he'd procured (which, more or less, wasn't erroneous). Who is the weakest hero in Shield hero? This seemed to have activated the Pride Curse Series and caused him to only believe those who praised him such as her. She starts off looking like a small child, and Naofumi takes her in to teach her to fight. He will eventually get his revenge on the princess and king. Does naofumi kiss Raphtalia? The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. In private, she also allows him to stroke her tail which seems akin to holding hands in demi-human culture.[1]. Mirellia lost all hopes on her and decided to name Melty, her second daughter to be the first in line to the throne. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023. Raphtalia fell in love with Naofumi almost instantly, despite being afraid of him when he first bought her as a slave. He often wears armor called Barbarian Armor and he possesses one of the Legendary Weapons the Legendary Shield. Going so far as to fatally poison her in the web novel just to have something something else to blame the Shield for. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This was the first and only time for Malty to call Naofumi by his name. When you purchase Such as she giving other female party members a hard time and secretly kicking them out (even selling the one named Rino as a slave to a noble), her exceptionally wasteful spending of funds (both the parties & the national treasury) or pushing inexorable taxations on grief stricken rurales and her attempts to kill Melty, something which Ren and Itsuki noticed but he did not (or even deliberately neglected). Besides Raphtalia, Keel became the first villager of Lurolona Village which Naofumi saved. "I don't think I want that title, ha" I sighed. He didn't think much of Atla's goal to be his "shield," not realizing Atla was very serious about it. After the events of the Spirit Tortoise incident, Naofumi meets Ren again, this time their roles reversed, Naofumi is now loved and adored by the public while the three other Heroes are hated and despised. Due to his help, she was inspired to come out of retirement to help fight Melromarc's enemies and teach others about Hengen Muso. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. If you're getting married in Pennsylvania, you must first apply for a marriage license. Notably, despite how she had betrayed Motoyasu, Ren, and Malty. Instead, he helped the Shield Hero (at Kizuna's request) in making a shikigami to find Raphtalia. The character has black hair and green eyes. Does Naofumi marry melty? After Naofumi unlocked the blessed series which suppresses the effects of the wrath series shield, he is able to feel proper feelings and empathize with others for the first time since he first found Raphtalia. Naofumi hasnt fully invested in the idea of marriage yet, as he always seems to think in a slightly colder, more cynical way. When Naofumi cured her with an Elixir of Yggdrasil, which was created by his Shield, Atla became very attached, if not affectionate, towards him and wished to be of great use to him. "Fuck you're tight!" Naofumi praised as he remained still to allow her the time needed to become accustomed to his member. The two are sisters wherein Melty is Malty's younger sibling. The only thing that could make the haughty aristocrat eke out partly amicable union with Myne when not denouncing the disgraced former princess for her folly. After confirming that Naofumi was indeed the Shield Hero, he tried to kill him in a fair fight. After this, Trash resigns himself to remain silent in front of Naofumi, unlike previously when he would create a ruckus against him. In the spin-off story "The Reprise of the Spear Hero", Motoyasu still recognizes Malty, to some extent as he can only see and hear her as an oinking pig, thus he was always wary of her and warn others about her. In his grief, Fohl promised to not blame Naofumi for her death which he continued to live up to. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Naofumi was reluctant to do so but gave in and did as she asked. Trash's unreasonable hatred for Naofumi continued after this until he meets Atla, who closely resembles his deceased sister, under Naofumi's care. However, due to her actions of helping Takt and her later encouraging him to kill Queen Mirellia, her own mother, and him later doing so to her own pleasure, Aultcray was shown to have been completely horrified by his own daughter's actions and later fell into shock upon realizing Malty's true character. She constantly seeks Naofumi's attention and approval and expresses great joy when she pleases him but displays great worry that he may possibly leave her. He struggles with these newfound emotion and tries to sort out his feelings - including the ones with Raphtalia. So Naofumi as the shield hero would be a status symbol they can use to in diplomatic relations with Shieldfreeden and Siltvelt, while keeping the rightful Ruler at home among her people. Why does Glass kill Naofumi? When they meet again in the Spirit Tortoise, which was rampaging because of a man named Kyo from Glass's world, they display their respective hostility towards one another but are willing to become allies against Kyo as their common enemy. A threat that fell on deaf ears as she was too underpowered to be a viable opponent to him while armed with a replica of the four holy weapons. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Although she is a slave to him, the only times he would ever activate the Slave Crest to force her compliance was when she was too frightened to fight on her own. Bitch attempts to use her cunning to try and appeal to the Shield Hero's sense of chivalry despite her antagonizing him once too often, with the intention of nullifying her punishment. As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. Ren believes her accusation of Naofumi's attempt to rape her and berates Naofumi without hearing his side of the story. The two almost being killed by the unethical Church on Whore's mention only to be saved by Queen Mirellia's Shadows afterward. Urlivasikalarsir 10 mo. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It is theorized by Melty that the Church of the Three Heroes may have formed due to Naofumi's actions during their time travel to Mamoru's time line where Naofumi completely routed Piensa's forces from invading Siltran nation. Acquaintances Eclair Seaetto. Answer (1 of 7): Ah, yes. However, she proved to be a valuable ally in defeating the corrupted Guardian Beast. Motoyasu blindly trusts her; due mostly to his extreme gullibility and casanova tendencies, he ends up being used by her in most cases, such as leading him to nearly take Raphtalia away from Naofumi and levying a heavy tax on a village hit by the waves after Motoyasu became its lord at, via Malty's coaxing, her father's behest. Motoyasu tried to supposedly save Melty from the "evil" Naofumi and refused to listen to Melty, believing her to be brainwashed. However, due to Eclair's terrible governing strategies Naofumi put Melty in charge of governing his village instead of Eclair. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. No, thanks. Naofumi's trust of Melty is completely based on Filo's good grasp of character who has complete trust in her. It was the perfect crime to paint the narrative that the Shield Hero is an irredeemable person that everyone should avoid. Eventually Naofumi shows his first signs of affection by stroking Raphtalia's head with her permission. Following his defeat, Itsuki completely breaks apart, losing his pride, sense of justice, and becoming near-emotionless. By the time Naofumi return to her world for a second time, Glass sees him as a valuable ally to fight alongside. Why did malty betray . They share many other personality traits and seem to develop a close friendship. Rishia doesn't share the negative view of the Church of Three Heroes because of her education at Faubley and expresses fear at Naofumi's demeanor until Raphtalia is able to remove her doubts. This is first demonstrated when Melty attacked Motoyasu who was holding Filo captive. While Naofumi considers the slave merchant to be a useful person due to his role in providing him with various slaves for his growing army, he does not indicate any real trust for the man. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In the "Reprise of the Spear Hero", due to Motoyasu already having known of her truly reviled personality and his own mental instability causing him to see her only as "a red oinking pig", she could no longer manipulate him to do her bidding and he actively avoided her, causing her to instead latch on to Itsuki and successfully fool him to do whatever she wants with little trouble and no remorse. He follows any orders given to him and is unable to lie. L'Arc heard about Naofumi from Glass, and also other rumors of the Shield Hero from Melromarc commoners, completely believing such rumors. Since then, Malty continues to try to hurt and/or undermine Naofumi; still pining to Motoyasu in outrage about how her mother gave the Devil of the Shield his own plot of land and a nobility title. Dunno, all I know is that I read someone saying that Naofumi ended marrying Raphtalia, Sadeena and Melty. He was a doting parent and spoiled her too much. Naofumi empathizes with Rishia and feels a mutual connection with due to his similar situation of being framed on false charges. But the two are sidetracked when Raphtalia tries to alleviate hostilities, only escalating them when the traitorous ignoble flat out insults Naofumi to her face. "No, er Weve taken a look through the sources to uncover what fate awaits our heroes. In order to grow their numbers; Bitchy opted to manipulate the now fallen Itsuki's cursed series Pride Bow to brainwash a number of Melromarc's citizenry to the cult's side. As self-serving psychobabble that was helpful to them and them alone while being detrimental to everyone else around them. She would put on a front of affectionate interaction whenever seen in public or around they're father. Naofumi Iwatani. He also began fighting at the coliseums in order to raise money for Whore and his former party, believing they were using it for their "noble" cause of saving people, unaware that they were just leeching off him and wasting the earns he'd won on themselves. Itsuki admits that he was wrong as a hero and he regrets his actions, especially what he did to Rishia. In the manga however she gets into a heated argument with Mald of Itsuki's party after the former cites her as a criminal. She also suspects Malty's claims of Naofumi's attempt to rape her but decided to ignore it. Princess Malty pulled off one of the nastiest betrayals in the world of anime. Naofumi sees himself more as Filo's owner like how he views Raphtalia as his own daughter, thus not seeing Filo as a love interest. He also holds Naofumi in high regard and follows his requests, such as implementing the Power-Up systems and learning a new language. In the anime it was a pie she was slated to take to Raphtalia's table during festivities, but was caught in the act by her younger sister Melty and ended up electrocuted by her slave crest when she tried to lie about her malignant intentions. She was particularly horrified at how the malignant nobleman resorted to torture and mutilation in order to get his way. This great ending scene. Epicstream is supported by its audience. Due to her training, Naofumi's combat potential greatly increased and he started to be able to see life force. . Sharing the same mindset of Malty in many ways and was almost similar to her, thus the two demented aristocrats got along well with one another and joined in on all of the evil acts. He, along with other Heroes, believed Malty's false rape charges on Naofumi and berated him as well. Later likening said pope as a hypocritical tyrant whom threw others in his sect under the buss while spouting blatant sanctimony as absolvent and martyrdom despite such loyalties having clearly been begotten through mind control charms and abuse of charisma. I will ensure that Melty punishes you if you become a King and behave foolishly like Aultcray." I felt chills staring into her fiery eyes. After the Three Heroes Church attempted to kill her due to a trumped-up conspiracy, Naofumi became the only person that Melty could actually rely on to save her life, as the other Heroes, her sister, and her Knights were all either being deceived by the Church or were willing participants in the conspiracy. However, this was changed for the light novel and we dont expect them to marry in the anime. Though, she later sides with Naofumi when the Church attempts against her life. In fact, among his companions, she is one about who he cares the most. Naofumi Iwatani is 20-years old. 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why does naofumi marry melty