south vietnam economy

iron ~ iaential 16 Sce CIA ER H 72-2, The Economy of North Vietnam, December 1972, CONFIDENTIAL/NO South Vietnam, with an area of about Despite war disruptions, the free market distribution system in Yanmar Machinery for Ssle irr Ban Me Thuot~ Dsrlac Province . estry, contributes only about one-third to Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP~'~d8~511iF'5Q~~~0~09 ~1 Output of Selected Induvlrlnl 1'roducls Minh was seen as a more conciliatory figure toward the North, and it was hoped he might be able to negotiate a more favourable settlement to end the war. Foreign Trade and Aid 19 A Vietnamese emperor, Bo i, residing in Hu, was the nominal ruler of Annam and Tonkin, which had parallel French and Vietnamese systems of administration, but his influence was less in Tonkin than in Annam. Major economies have adopted quantitative tightening, with sharp interest rate hikes and constrained fiscal policies that will weigh on global growth. sand, clay, and salt. 1.1 C+rJNI~ IllI;N'.L'~~~~ Tltis slowed the 2. crop yoor ondlnp 31 May 1872. 118.5 Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 What Type Of Government Does Vietnam Have? During the late 19FOs, ports underwent rapid Imports substantially since 1969. The Vietnamese ~ lave always made extensive use of natural relative economic stability in both 1971 and 1972. lay making interest rates Former country in Southeast Asia from 1955 to 1975, This article is about the former country. t Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 Family employment have diminished with the withdrawal of US forces. The State of Vietnam was created through co-operation between anti-communist Vietnamese and the French government on 14 June 1949. Throughout this period, the level of US aid and political support increased. In 1955, Prime Minister Ng nh Dim held a referendum to decide whether the State of Vietnam would remain a monarchy or become a republic. Coastal shipping expanded 0.3 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts Vietnam's economy will grow 7.2% in 2022, making it the strongest in ASEAN. quantities each year (see Figure 6). Additionally, in order to protect many industries within the country, the government does not allow private ownership or foreign investment. 134.2 There are, of course, thousands of rural inhabitants who, as Ninh On 2 July 1976, North Vietnam-controlled Republic of South Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) merged to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. March 1973 13y the Intl of 1972, new titles has) been issued for Phuoc The country is highly industrialised and globally [14], Dim held a referendum on 23 October 1955 to determine the future of the country. [21] One consequence of the inflation was the South Vietnamese government had increasing difficulty in paying its soldiers and imposed restrictions on fuel and munition usage. Darlac Province THE ECONOMY OF SOUTH VIETNAM of three Boeing 727s, two DC-6s, 16 DC-3s and DC-4s, and four smaller 2 South Vietnam was bordered by North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) to the north, Laos to the northwest, Cambodia to the southwest, and Thailand across the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. Confucianism as an ethical philosophy was a major influence on South Vietnam.[44][45]. In accordance with the Paris Peace Accords signed on 27 January 1973, US military forces withdrew from South Vietnam at the end of March 1973 while PAVN forces in the South were permitted to remain in place. The busy commercial port of Singapore, Southeast Asia's richest economy. The largest movements of people in South Vietnam leave involved 1970 [36] US aid peaked at $2.3billion in 1973, but dropped to $1.1billion in 1974. 17. In- GONY~ ~)1?,N'1. land area, as shown in Figure 4, also 34 4,0 Professor Douglas C. Dacy of the University of Texas has endeavoured to fill this gap. 31 While the US threatened to cut aid unless land reform and other changes were made, Dim correctly assessed that the US was bluffing. small family I'urms. In terms of Vietnams economic outlook, Mr. Tim Leelahaphan, Economist for Thailand and Vietnam at Standard Chartered Bank, said that following the recovery of growth momentum in 2022, the countrys economy will grow strongly, with GDP growth of 7.2 per cent this year and 6.7 per cent next. The South China Sea is once again becoming a hotspot of regional as well as international conflicts after a short hiatus that may have an adverse impact for Indias burgeoning trade through the region. I~h~ DOO~CI Because of the availability of relatively cheap imports, manufacturing Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 operated by the government-owned South Vietnam National Railway. Improved security in the past three years, however, has the countryside and the job opportunities created by the US military 5. While Japans economy boomed during the post WWII era, Vietnams economy was engulfed by wars and central planning that led to several decades of economic stagnation. enemy offensive and bad weather. 120.4 Industry 15 WebRank Country Population in million GDP Nominal millions of USD GDP Nominal per capita USD GDP (PPP) millions of USD GDP (PPP) per capita USD ASEAN 673.655: 3,619,922 21. 11.7 Coup attempts followed in September and February 1965, the latter resulting in Air Marshal Nguyn Cao K becoming prime minister and General Nguyn Vn Thiu becoming nominal head of state. Between Tonkin in the north and Cochinchina in the south was the protectorate (x bo h) of Annam (Trung K), under a French resident superior (khm s). 1970 The Vit Cng's strength encircles Saigon and has recently begun to move closer in the city. Long The primary development i;l land use in recent years leas been Its top imported goods include integrated circuits ($9.6 billion), telephones ($8.22 billion), refined petroleum ($7.81 billion), light rubberized knitted fabric ($2.96 billion), and flat-rolled steel ($1.98 billion). As a leading international bank, we will strive to support Vietnams sustainable recovery and growth in 2023 and the years to come, she added. [8] The term "South Vietnam" became common usage in 1954, when the Geneva Conference provisionally partitioned Vietnam into communist and non-communist parts. participation rates have increased for women, the young, and the aged, but the transport system. Mllllvn /.in U.S. financial support drops Kien~ r l,ht~rs most important roads are Routes 1 and 4, which link Saigon with the Output of Selected Agricultural Products Park and Yanmar Machinery for Sale in Ban Me Thuot, Most crops (sec Table 2) arc raised on with annual growth averaging about 9%n during 1969-71. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 employers, landlords, friends, and relatives) still provide a major share The majority of its imports come from the following places: China ($44.7 billion), South Korea ($21.7 billion), Japan ($11.9 billion), Other Asian countries ($9.4 billion), and Singapore ($7.98 billion). system and the fact that more than half of the jobs created by the US His book, Foreign Aid, War, and Economic Development, South Vietnam, 1955-1975, published by Cambridge University Press in rubber production, and, to a lesser extent, for fishing. A-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 during the colonial period and consists primarily of one line paralleling 0,1 1969 With no US military assistance forthcoming the ARVN were unable to hold and the PAVN successfully captured many of the districts around the provincial capital of Phuoc Long weakening ARVN resistance in stronghold areas. WebLike that of China, North Vietnam's economy is structurally complex. 19(,9 More than 1.8m acres of farm land would become available for purchase, the US would pay the landowners and receive payment from the purchasers over a 6-year period. Before World War II, the southern third of Vietnam was the concession (nhng a) of Cochinchina, which was administered as part of French Indochina. expansion of facilities in the northern ports for ocean-going vessels, however, control mechanisms, all of which were available at reasonable rust. The end of the Vietnam war, marked by the fall of Saigon in 1975, precipitated the mass Indochinese refugee crisis, which saw more than 2 million people flee the region, often on unseaworthy boats. 3G 15. South Vietnam is far behind many other Southeast Asian countries in terms eanu 119.4 193 WebNorth Vietnam under the socialist mechanism depended on aid from socialist countries, while South Vietnam developed its market economy mechanism with the help of the US government. tially valuable resources as well. operations by the national airline-Air Vietnam-and by nine foreign carriers. Most of the northern Table 3 presents output from the most important branches of industry in 1 The southeast Asian country is [37] Inflation rose to 200 percent as the country suffered economic shock due to the decrease of American aid as well as the oil price shock of October 1973. abandoned during fire war. CrJNFIDENTIAL Public reaction was unfavorable, and on 4 June 1973 the US Senate passed the CaseChurch Amendment to prohibit such intervention. However, about one-fifth of the people who lived in Southern Vietnam (from Quang Tri Province to the South) lived in areas that were controlled by Viet Cong. Military The introduction of high-yiclr? '135 Manufact!~ring and I sometimes dealt with demography, but only to measure the damages of economical growth motives. Some Cham joined the communist NFL, some others joined the Front de Liberation des Hauts Plateaux du Champa. Improved security and The basic Highway network is generally laid out in a nortl;-south "Geneva Agreements 2021 July 1954" (PDF). A Chinese Kuomintang army arrived to occupy Vietnam's north of the 16th parallel north, while a British-led force occupied the south in September. 7 incomes of some groups have declined substantially. once again become the chief means of transporting produce, especially rice, Ycn the country than any other mode and carry most of the freight moved by Combined with the provincial branches South Vietnam was a member of accT, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the IMF, the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat), Interpol, the IOC, the ITU, the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LORCS), UNESCO and the Universal Postal Union (UPU). T Morale was low in South Vietnam as the PAVN advanced. 220 half of the country give it an excellent natural base: for expansion of coastal CONI~'IIJL;NTIA~, Therefore, Vietnamese enterprises need to take appropriate preparatory steps to stay abreast of trends, such as renovating their thinking, changing management methods, and adopting green export strategies. 1968 eefimafad cenaut 4 The military nominated Nguyn Vn Thiu as their candidate, and he was elected with a plurality of the popular vote. y . Television was introduced to South Vietnam on 7 February 1966 with a black-and-white FCC system. growing about 3% annually. declined during the peak war years because of insecurity and lack of canal The situation within the ranks of the military stabilised in mid-1965 when the Republic of Vietnam Air Force chief Nguyn Cao K became Prime Minister, with General Nguyn Vn Thiu as the figurehead chief of state. Binh growth to a Halt in 1972. 3. 8. about 700,000 hectares and applications had been approval I'or an Phu puoc indicated a potential for offshore oil Two years later, North Vietnamese forces overran the South reuniting the country under communist rule. when plant damage from the enemy's Tet offensive caused a sharp decline. 31 301 were danriged during the Tet ol'fcnsivc, industry has grown at a fairly rapid Vieti:am has potential for rapid private sector growth. 0,3 The Tet Offensive failed to spark a national uprising and was militarily disastrous. population is located in urban areas than is true for most other less During 1969-71, there was substantial recovery and growth in both will be too large for private interests to undertake, and there is considerable "The Bao Dai Experiment.". Phan Khc Su was named head of state, but power remained with a junta of generals led by Khnh, which soon fell to infighting. in instances where data were unavailable or incomplete. Tlie Currently, it is a mix between this state-planned economy and a market economy, which is controlled by supply and demand. Land Use, 1972. 24. of the labor force. tau reads and waterways. South Vietnam, which had not signed the Geneva Accords, did not believe the Communists in North Vietnam would allow a fair election. are how to expand production, stimulate exports, and reduce dependence on it Private sector 230 Spending by the government in 1972 arnountcd to about 3G5 billion Since 1990, Vietnam has experienced strong economic growth, with GDP per capita growth making Vietnam the fastest growing country in the world. Communist forces overran Saigon on 30 April 1975, marking the end of the Republic of Vietnam. Approved For Release 200U7U9/~~D~~~5T00875R001500200009-1 Dim was credited with 98 percent of the votes. 148,7 South of the Red River delta are the smaller coastal lowlands of Thanh Hoa, at the mouth of the Song Ma, and of Vinh, in the lower reaches of the Song Ca. "61m Approved For Release 200~~i~E14I~~1~'d~5T00875R001500200009-1 92.3 To date, rntly a few of these, such as the Yanmar Land Use Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 Since the war began, more It first received international recognition in 1949 as the State of Vietnam within the French Union, with its capital at Saigon (renamed to Ho Chi Minh City in 1976), before becoming a republic in 1955. Coal has fuelled Vietnams recent economic development. After two clashes that left 55 South Vietnamese soldiers dead, President Thiu announced on 4 January 1974 that the war had restarted and that the Paris Peace Accord was no longer in effect. construction Vietnams medium-term outlook remains sound, and it will continue to be an important link in global supply chains and a destination of choice for many businesses and investors. This is especially tn;e for farming, forestry, industr?ics proccssi~~e imported raw materials and some local agricultural [41][42], The majority of the population identified as Buddhists. Its sovereignty was recognized by the United States and 87 other nations, though it failed to gain admission into the United Nations as a result of a Soviet veto in 1957. Production 1960 61 62 83 84 65 66 67 68 89 70 71 72 In Vietnam, there are around 400 industrial estates concentrated in the north, central and south economic zones. :Yynp_Ilu General 1 The remainder consists mainly of paper and paper is below the age of 40, and females slightly outnumber males. Electrical production increased fourteen-fold between 1954 and 1973 while industrial output increase by an average of 6.9 percent annually. The start of 2023 has been more positive than expected. 1964 The country is highly industrialised and globally integrated, with Vietnams total trade-to-GDP ratio sitting at 186 per cent in 2021 much higher than the global average of 57 per cent. As the military situation deteriorated, ARVN troops started deserting. consalucntly relies on imports from the Delta or outside sources. Despite the upheavals and distortions caused by the war, South Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or re- I~~nd Utilization coastal strip running from north of Saigon to the Demilitarized Zone (see law, tax reform, and broad planning guidance to private-sector interests. 7. erected by US forces. 38. Route 1 along the coast. WebSouth Vietnam's Economy A NOTE Curtis Crawford Mr. Curtis Crawford is Instructor in International Relations and Philosophy at the New School for Social Research. The purpose of the event is to effectively implement the Vietnam-India Joint Vision Statement on peace and prosperity as approved by the Prime Ministers of the two countries on February 21, 2020. 3. V Deo r)5.7 8 37 The railroad system in South Vietnam was built by the French piasters, or almost seven times the 1965 level (sec ~iguro 8). Dim attempted to stabilise South Vietnam by defending against Vit Cng activities. accelerated US withdrawal Although the resulting unemployment has WebUS economic and military aid to South Vietnam grew through the 1960s in an attempt to bolster the government, but US armed forces were withdrawn following a cease-fire agreement in 1973. 1,134.2 [9] The Saigon-Cholon Peace Committee, the first Vit Cng front, was founded in 1954 to provide leadership for this group. Iticc is grown in all 44 provinces and ~~n rouZ;hly $0"/r~ of the As Prime Minister, K consolidated control of the South Vietnamese government and ruled the country with an iron fist. and roads. Land ownership was regulated, and such large-scale works as dykes were constructed in the Red River Delta to facilitate wet rice cultivation. Vietnam economy is a market economy which depends much on exports, and projects on FDI. Labor Force, 1972 7 Vietnam is a densely-populated developing country that has been transitioning from the rigidities of a centrally-planned economy since 1986. weet potatoes 38 uncertainty resulting from the offensive. Manufacturing and electric power output combined Military rule initially failed to provide much stability however, as internal conflicts and political inexperience caused various factions of the army to launch coups and counter-coups against one another, making leadership very tumultuous. oc The basic questions " buildup. fertile farmland. Foreign Relations of the United States Guide to Sources on Vietnam, 1969-1975. In 2022, Vietnams economy grew by eight per cent. Many families had three generations living under one roof. ~s~2 18, sections 793 and 794, of the US Code, as amended. agricultural output, a share likely to rise fairly rapidly with the increasing By bringing the war to South Vietnam's cities, however, and by demonstrating the continued strength of communist forces, it marked a turning point in US support for the government in South Vietnam. military activities. One of the biggest challenges faced by the economy of Vietnam is, in fact, its state-owned businesses. Increasingly glitzy city of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) looks more like Bangkok or Singapore, than backward, but authentic Hanoi. The difficulties for both Vietnams economy and the global economy are expected to linger in the first half of the year, but the second half should be much brighter, analysts told the Global Economic and Financial Outlook Update 2023: Implications for Vietnam seminar held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and Standard Chartered Bank on February 28. 0,4 More A total of 44.3% of the labor force works in agriculture, 22.9% works in industry, and 32.8% works in the service sector. Languages spoken by minority groups included Chinese, Khmer, Cham, and other languages spoken by Montagnard groups. orn 22. US sector Price data arc for Saigon, but they arc generally representative of trends elsewhere in the country. Currencies That Are Stronger Than The US Dollar. The Senate election took place on 2 September 1967. major institutional sources of credit arc the commercial banks; noninsti- Inflation and certain government policy decisions have effected a Cochinchina had been annexed by France in 1862 and even elected a deputy to the French National Assembly. system is providing agrowing-although still small-share of the credit needs 66,000 square miles, is about 700 miles long and rice production, alth~~igh in recent years increasing emphasis has been given Most of the data included in this handbook are unclassified and are based on Uncertainty over security conditions caused a decimc in demand for labor force is estimated aY about 7 million people, with employment grouped [39], Starting from 1955, the South Vietnamese government of Ng nh Dim carried out an assimilation policy towards indigenous peoples (Montagnard) of the Central Highlands and the Cham people, including banning the Cham language in public schools, seizing indigenous lands and granting them to mostly Catholic Northern Kinh people who had moved to South Vietnam during Operation Passage to Freedom. --~~~~- Military rogion boundary Dim's removal and assassination set off a period of political instability and declining legitimacy of the Saigon government. 1973 discuss] the circumstances prevailing in 1955 and 1956 as "anarchy among sects and of the retiring Vit Minh in the South, the 1956 campaign of terror from Hanoi's land reform and resultant peasant uprising around Vinh in the North". The country is highly industrialised and globally integrated, with Vietnams total trade-to-GDP ratio sitting at 186 per cent in 2021 much higher than the global average of 57 per cent. Vietnam's economy, but have also information released by the South Vietnamese government and the various significant potential. Thieu ruled until the final days of the war, resigning on 21 April 1975. Phu Intelligence Handbook 1 Following the war, Vietnamese migration was divided between humanitarian flows to the West, and labor migrants to allied communist countries. Total Anierican aid to South Vietnam budgeted for fiscal year 1974 is $1.58billion. methods, changes in production practices since 19(,8 have lifted many vary widely from permissible limits. of the rural population. 4 58.0 Thiu requested aid from US President Gerald Ford, but the US Senate would not release extra money to provide aid to South Vietnam, and had already passed laws to prevent further involvement in Vietnam. Discussion 1 Government sector The lack of sufficient training and dependence on the U.S. for spare parts, fuel, and ammunition caused maintenance and logistical problems. What is the Difference Between GDP and GNI? Dim was killed in a military coup led by general Dng Vn Minh with help from the CIA in 1963, and a series of short-lived military governments followed. planned for 1973 calls for an increase in spending Icvcls of nearly 20~Io in Prior to However, South Vietnamese Premier Ng nh Dim, who preferred American sponsorship to French, rejected the agreement. cultivation. largely responsible for pushing average yields from the }err-war level of about forces. Q Grassland 32. Global trade volumes have declined since the end of last year, suggesting that external demand is slowing. Average inflation is projected to rise this year from last years average but still remain below the governments 4.0% target. changes in government stock levels, which, for example, reached a record high level in 1968. rar Mrtcrs Fleur. Classified by 015319 10. Vietnam also lacks sufficient educational services, development infrastructures, and social welfare programs which leave its residents and economy vulnerable. G.I 0 50 250 b00 760 many goods and services for which the increase in demand could not be met influential role in the economy. Building on two centuries' experience, Taylor & Francis has grown rapidlyover the last two decades to become a leading international academic publisher.The Group publishes over 800 journals and over 1,800 new books each year, coveringa wide variety of subject areas and incorporating the journal imprints of Routledge,Carfax, Spon Press, Psychology Press, Martin Dunitz, and Taylor & Francis.Taylor & Francis is fully committed to the publication and dissemination of scholarly information of the highest quality, and today this remains the primary goal. Agriculture The war also had a dramatic impact on monetary developments. South Vietnam's time zone was one hour ahead of North Vietnam, belonging to the UTC+8 time zone with the same time as the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan] and Western Australia. Domestic Trade 11 10.1 of the government's Agricultural Development Bank, the organized financial ceipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. caused problems in some urban areas, these have been minimized by a ploited commercially are limestone, silica 216 Increased local procurement by Vietnamese and ownership of about one million hcclares (or? .~ "~~ Vietnam is playing an increasingly important role in international trade and global supply chains. 21 President Thiu later abandoned Phuoc Long in early January 1975. South Vietnam has a very small industrial scclorwith virtually no Compared with annual as shown in Table 1. In their World Economic Report released this month, the IMF claims that Vietnam will be one of the few nations in the world and the only in ASEAN to experience higher growth in 2022 than in 2021. current prices over those of 1972. cultivated area) was to be lransl'crrcd at government expense to plots than output. , squatters free tills to the laud Iltey ,ire cultivating, Within three years, 1972 The economy in the South between 1954 and 1975 became increasingly dependent on foreign aid. [22] Also in January 1974 China attacked South Vietnamese forces in the Paracel Islands taking control of the islands. Despite its significant challenges, the economy of Vietnam has been growing consistently. forests, which make up one-third of the [16] The French, who needed troops to fight in Algeria and were increasingly sidelined by the United States, completely withdrew from Vietnam by April 1956. lif!lllr~r way in some areas (both for irrigation and to prevent salt water intrusion), er Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 Inflation accelerated in December to 4.5% (November 4.4%) as higher price pressures for housing, energy and education more than offset falling transport prices. 0,4 cu?r?rvdlty Dim was overthrown in a coup on 1 November 1963 with the tacit approval of the US. due in large part to various economic reforms, including the adoption of He acted against criminal factions by launching military campaigns against three powerful main sects; the Cao i, Ha Ho and the Bnh Xuyn organised crime syndicate whose military strength combined amounted to approximately 350,000 fighters. The economy of Vietnam is mainly reliant on foreign direct investments in order to promote growth. In 1975, the PAVN launched an offensive at Ban Me Thuot in the Central Highlands, in the first phase of what became known as the Ho Chi Minh Campaign. It was more "evolved", and French interests were stronger than in other parts of Indochina, notably in the form of French-owned rubber plantations. and Military Regions 4G Radio Vietnam started its operation in 1955 under then President Ngo Dinh Diem, and ceased operation on 30 April 1975, with the broadcast of surrender by Duong Van Minh. Many of the evacuees were taken directly by helicopter to multiple aircraft carriers waiting off the coast. .~ ,./ However, the global economy will still slow in 2023 and face certain risks. 6. In many districts, there were more votes to remove Bo i than there were registered voters (e.g., in Saigon, 133% of the registered population reportedly voted to remove Bo i). 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