Designated as the Command Special Assistant for Personal Finances. Lessons learned become new procedures, which are then taught and practiced until they become second nature. [16], In October 2001, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) designated the commander in chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT) as concurrent commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. This extensive training and preparation gives our MAs (and other Navy security personnel) the knowledge to counter possible threats and neutralize them. When assigned to these different types of units, Master-at-Ams are expected to achieve the same qualifications and watch stations, as the rest of the sailors assigned to that unit. I strive to merit the respect of my shipmates and all with whom I come in contact. The non-substantive (trade) badge of an MAA is a crown within a wreath. WebMaser-at-Arms Second Class (E-5), U.S. Navy . - EXPERT TRAINER. STALWART MENTOR: His "hands on" approach guided 11 personnel to qualify Patrolman and three personnel to advance in rate. - STEADFAST COMMITMENT. HAS MY HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT. -COMMAND ORIENTED. Must hold a valid and current state driver's license. Master at Arms is a good job in the Navy for those who are looking for a challenge and want to make a difference. Because of the multi-faceted duties of a Master-at-Arms, it is not uncommon for a master-at-arms to qualify in various small-arms and large caliber weapons throughout their career. Appeal from the United States Navy -Marine Corps Trial Judiciary . Devoted 200 hours as a youth baseball coach for the Hampton Roads Youth Sporting Partnerships, and mentored 14 young men while strengthening relationships between local youth and parents in the community. - PROVEN MANAGER. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the specific duties of a Navy Master at Arms, the location of their posting, and the current political and social climate. -COMMAND IMPACT. -COMMAND CONCENTRATED. *** * RANKS #2 OF 25 IN ECHO COMPANY. Personnel in the Master-at-Arms rating can also expect to see duties on board a variety of naval warships such as an aircraft carriers' security force department; on a cruiser, destroyer, or aviation squadron as an independent duty Master-at-Arms; on board a naval installation in the United States or in overseas locations such as Bahrain and Diego Garcia, assigned to the security force or police departments; forward deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan or Africa on a GWOT IA assignment; or assigned to an expeditionary or naval special warfare unit. USMAP Program Coordinator, oversaw the enrollment of five Sailors in USMAPS and signed off over 5000 hours towards completion of certifications. He also directed the streamlining of the PQS process, resulting in the qualification of nine ATTWOs, 18 COGs and eight Reaction Force Team Leaders. GROOM FOR COMMISSION. Navy Master at Arms deployments -CAPTIVATING TRAINER. INDISPENSABLE COMMAND ASSET. The conversion process used the procedures and requirements listed in Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) 1440-010. As HMRC, MA2 established direct reporting procedures with PACSEA improving mission readiness for 11 HSB's. As CSADD Treasurer, she/he managed a budget of $2,500 in order to conduct fundraisers and outings to include: Bowling, Wreaths Across America and Halloween trick or treat at the CDC. PETTY OFFICER JOHNSON DEMONSTRATED OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP AND DEDICATION IN SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCTING MORE THAN 50 TRAFFIC STOPS AND COMPLETING MORE THAN 100 INCIDENT REPORTS WHILE SAFEGUARDING NAVAL STATION EVERETT, TWENTY-TWO TENANT COMMANDS, AND EIGHT HOME-PORTED SHIPS. - ENGAGED LEADER. WebMaser-at-Arms Second Class (E-5), U.S. Navy . A Navy masters degree is determined by the pace of deployment. ***, *** SUPERB SAILOR WITH A COMPREHENSIVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE COASTAL RIVERINE FORCE! Technical expertise sought out for execution of 10 ATTT/ITT drills during FY17 Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield, RMTT and CART scoring above CNIC average. In addition, MAAs provide physical security for weapons and ammunition, and they operate and maintain security equipment. Your MA A School placement will grant you the status of a Navy Master of Arms. MM2 is recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class. According to early records, the U.S. Navy took its time about identifying ratings by the symbols so familiar on today's naval uniforms. *** ALREADY PERFORMING AS A SEASONED CPO! In addition, Navy Masters-at-Arms are responsible for conducting security inspections of the ship and its crew. Since the United States Navy Master-at-Arms (MA) rating was established in 1797, the duties of Navy Masters-at-Arms have varied considerably. The Master-at-Arms rating officially started after the American Revolutionary War on board the ships of the United States' early navy. PETTY OFFICER LEAL CONSISTENTLY PERFORMED HIS DEMANDING DUTIES IN AN EXEMPLARY AND HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL MANNER. ***. In addition, he organized the Public Safety's supply process into one streamlined system, increasing the efficiency of issuing and receiving material. COMMAND/COMMUNITY INVOLVED. RANKS #5 OF 25 IN ECHO COMPANY *** Although onboard for only five months, MA2 has already earned my recommendation for advancement. *** A terrible lack of medical care (negligent and careless doctors,) a great deal of stigma surrounding mental health care, and a lot of retaliation. *** -MISSION ORIENTED. He seamlessly took over as Platoon and Echo Company LPO leading 62 Sailors, while expeditiously completing his ATTWO and AST qualifications. - VIGILANT SENTRY. Must be a United States citizen and able to obtain a SECRET security clearance. - COMMAND INVOLVED. MA1 assigned and instructed 2 Second-Class Petty Officers to track NROWS orders, operational and volunteer hours. Some of the course curriculums required to be completed in order to perform NSF duties include Security Reaction Force Basic (SRF-B) and Security Reaction Force Advance (SRF-A). share. ***MY #1 OF 5 INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTEE SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS*** - MOTIVATOR. You must work 15 hours plus days per week, no holidays, no vacation time, and no college unless you meet xyz standards at each station. DEDICATED PROFESSIONAL. WebMaster-at-Arms In any large community like the Navy, Law Enforcement & Security are essential. I perform my duties in a firm, courteous, and impartial manner. - PROLIFIC LEADER. Upon completion of the applicable "C" School(s), a Master-at-Arms receives a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Code which is entered into their Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ). - TEAM PLAYER. WebMinimum of 5 SOF combat deployments conducting SOF ground warfare operations or 2 combat deployments conducting offensive and defensive operations w/ combined Master-at-Arms may also serve outside of the rating, when approved by the community manager, such as in recruiting, recruit training, assignment to NCIS or Afloat Training Group (ATG) as a trainer and evaluator, or to a flag or general officer's Staff. A proven performer who excels in all endeavors. Conducted over 120 hours of mission specific training with 8 Sailors, resulting in the qualification of one Chief of the Guard, two Work Center Supervisors, two Reaction Force Team Leaders and nine Reaction Force Team Members, significantly enhancing the Platoon's mission readiness. As lead Gunner's Mate, he managed 10 GM's responsible for over 690 AA&E items, and assisted in the accomplishment of 12 Crew Served and Small Arms ranges. FCPOA President; led 51 First Classes in CPO365. As an Inside ECP Sentry, he supervised the processing of 120 vehicles and 425 personnel through the ECP. -CIVIC MINDED. -EXPERT TRAINER. Petty Officer Fabrocino is an energetic, industrious, and conscientious individual whose dedication and aggressive work habits have been an asset to the CRS2 mission success. In 2003, the Navy Recruiting Command was assigned a new contract mission for entry-level applicants and started actively recruiting Masters at Arms from its annual pool of candidates versus having to cross-train after several years in the Navy before able to become an MA. It takes roughly nine weeks to become a Navy Master at Arms. The biggest change to the rating came after 9/11 in the form of Master-at-Arms sailors being assigned to other military units as an Individual Augmentee in support of combat support and non-combat support roles in the various area of operations of the "Global War on Terrorism". **LEADS FROM THE FRONT, ALREADY PERFORMING AT THE LEVEL OF A CPO!**. There are three ranks in the Master-at-Arms rating: Petty Officer First Class (E-6), Petty Officer Second Class (E-5), and Petty Officer Third Class (E-4). Each year, senior leadership looks at all the training completed and revises the curriculum based on new information or situations that have come up throughout the year. Provided administrative details necessary to convert unit's billets from non-security to all MA structure, improving the AT/FP and law enforcement force. Completed National Incident Management System IS-100.c and IS-700.b courses, Mentored and guided 20 sailors in tactical team movements, Organized a fundraiser to help donate to Mission 22, Completed all annual training for the fiscal/calendar year, Furthering career by applying for Active duty. The authority of a Master-at-Arms is derived from many sources. They receive a lot of formal classroom training as well as comprehensive on-the-job training. She volunteered 12 off duty hours with habitat for humanity, continuing a strong relationship between the community and the Navy. She has earned my STRONGEST POSSIBLE recommendation for advancement to Petty Officer Second Class. Petty Officer Reynolds consistently demonstrates the initiative, drive, and talent to accomplish the most demanding tasks. This action was prompted by the recent terrorists' attacks against the U.S. and the increased awareness among military official that the Navy's force protection posture was in need of revision. "Compilation of Enlisted Ratings and Apprenticeships of the U.S. Navy, 1775 to 1969", Retrieved from the Naval History and Heritage Command on April 22, 2014. He has actively led and taught multiple classroom training sessions for both Petty Officer Indoc, SAILOR 360, EXW Qualification, and In-Rate advancement cultivating esprit de corps through all ranks within the command. The uncommon leadership ability, planning and combat skill of MA1 resulted in the infliction of significant enemy casualties with no loss or injury to the team. Theodore Roosevelt is deployed in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the region. His unyielding effort served as a benchmark for his peers and subordinates. To obtain a passport, you must be a US citizen. Everyone will talk to you no matter what if you do not go to college for two years. - DECKPLATE LEADER. Each master-at-arms goes through various force protection training courses, from engaging ship-born threats to active-shooter scenarios. MY #2 OF ## HIGHLY COMPETITIVE FROCKED THIRD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! He also completed 8 hours of community service with the San Diego Padres. Dedicated 20 off duty hours to assisting Norfolk Public schools on field trips and Hampton Roads pet shelters. Recommended for advancement. As Platoon Advanced Skill Management Coordinator he meticulously maintained the qualification tracker and progress of 14 personnel. Under Title 10 U.S.C., they enforce the provision of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (10 U.S.C. As Platoon Career Counselor, she provided career guidance for 10 enlisted AC/RC Sailors and conducting 11 CDBs. As the CTT AST Lead he conducted 50 hours of training, created four EDGs, and three MSELs; making certain CRS-2 CTT was prepared for ULTRA-C. As an EXW coordinator, he planned and supervised seven EXW training evolutions for 15 Sailors yielding five EXW qualifications. As a member of the Diversity Team, he assisted in four events, ceremonies, and observances. -EXCELLENT ADMINISTRATOR. The ship's corporal was then authorized to wear a standard rating badge for petty officer 2nd class with the star as the specialty mark. His leadership achievements have furthered this command's goals and exemplify the Navy's core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. PSG RSCA: 3.96 Master arms personnel share a sense of community as they work together to uphold Navy values. Naval records show that these "sheriffs of the sea" were keeping order as early as the reign of Charles I of England. As CTT ALPO, he tasked and directed of 15 CTT members in the training, qualification, and certifications of four Embarked, Landside, and Aircraft Security Teams. Training 8 personnel on basic seamanship and small craft tactics, resulting in the qualification of 5 Crewmembers and 3 Coxswains. PGA RSCA X.XX. He has an unparalleled drive for the health and wellness of his team that he motivates all to strive to be in the best physical shape possible to ensure his team is physically ready to take on any mission that comes their way. More than 70 percent of the crew, including the Aguirre sisters, never deployed before -EXCEPTIONAL LEADER. How do I get to master at arms? A Navy Master of Arms pulled off an epic surprise Tuesday afternoon, returning home from a long deployment a week early and showing up at his children's school. SHINING STAR! HAS MY HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO FIRST CLASS! Additionally, she aided in coordinating 2 MWR tours, increasing the morale 75 Sailors on board. A growing number of Navy personnel choose to pursue law enforcement careers after leaving the service, including positions with the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and state and local police. As ACFL, he assisted in the completion of cycle 19-2 Physical Fitness Assessment of 68 personnel culminating in a 97% passing rate. Furthermore, as Data Housing and Reports Tool (DHART) Database Manager, she maintained the NSF personnel Sustainment, NLW, Training Records, PQS and weapons qualifications, maintaining 100% readiness and compliance with USFF, CNIC and Regional instructions at NAS New Jersey. -MOTIVATED SENTRY. He also assisted in the execution of one retirement for a First Class Petty Officer. HE IS A TRUE PROFESSIONAL AND WILL EXCEED ANY EXPECTATION! Other sources of autho Its an enjoyable but exhausting time in family life for some, but not for all. This effectively made NCIS the program manager for the Master-at-Arms community, responsible for program management, manning, training, and equipping. "[3], The navy of the united colonies of the 1775 era offered only a few different jobs above the able seaman level. As FCPOA President, he coordinated two Junior Sailor of the Year Boards, eight Junior Sailor of the Quarter Boards, created By-Laws to coincide with the CPO mess, and directed the creation of an FCPOA bank account. Due to the MAs unique set of functions, strict adherence to eligibility criteria is essential. She scheduled and performed a retirement ceremony for a fellow Chief. Petty officer Hernandez has been an asset to CORIVRON TWO. **EXCELLING IN AN OUT OF RATE ASSIGNMENT! [7][8], According to the Naval History and Heritage Command, the Master-at-Arms rating was officially established in 1797, disestablished in 1921,[9] only to be re-established by the Chief of Naval Personnel on 1 August 1973 in BUPERSNOTE 1440 Change 1, thereby making that date "1 August" as the official birthday of the modern U.S. Navy Master-at-Arms. He ensured that new members had a mentor and completed all NOSC Pittsburgh indoctrination procedures. Maintained 360 degree security for two High Valued Assets valued at $500M each ensuring the safety of 45 civilians and 27 military personnel with zero incidents. PROMOTE TODAY!!! Active member of the Junior Enlisted Association. ACFL; involvement resulted in improvement of Sailors PFA scores. Drafted FY22 equipment request to meet regional boat status requirements resulting in RTAV score of 85%. 2. *** PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. While onboard Coastal Riverine Squadron Two she has made a positive impact by directly influencing guiding and mentoring Junior Sailors to improve and excel their Naval Careers. Led 21 CFS' through the command Coastal Riverine Assessment and Training Evaluation (CRATE) Inspection with an 88% passing rate; the only First Class responsible for a CRATE program. I seek no favor because of my position. As COG, he led five EST members onboard USNS SPEARHEAD who stood 1,610 hours of AT/FP watches, providing 360 degree external security for two High Valued Assets valued at $500M, bolstering the safety and security posture onboard. According to Payscale, the average salary for a Navy Master at Arms is $40,098 per year. Served as NSA Bahrain's only technician for the Defense Biometric Identification System. As Explosive Driver, safely transported $50K of ammunition supplying four Embarked Security Combat School crew served ranges, and one small arms range for 200 personnel, resulting in 100% qualification rating and no incidents. - CIVIC MINDED. - EDUCATION FOCUSED. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, military police officers in the United States earn an average annual salary of $56,258. In addition, in 2003 the Navy Recruiting Command increased recruiting efforts tremendously help fill the billet requirements being demanded by the various type commanders (TYCOM) to combat the terrorist threats within their area of responsibility. All that is required is good humor. ** MA2 HASTINGS HAS MY HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION FOR PO1 AND IS READY FOR ANY COMMISSIONING PROGRAM NOW **, ** THE STANDARD BY WHICH EXCELLENCE IS MEASURED WITHIN THE COMPANY **. He is an outstanding Sailor whose work ethic, initiative and motivation are unmatched in the platoon! Appellant . THIS IS A LEADER I WANT IN MY CHIEFS MESS! **. Navy Master-at-Arms (MA) deploy in support of a variety of operations, most typically in support of maritime security operations (MSO). - CIVIC MINDED. As the Command Physical Security Officer, he trained seven Armed Watchstanders and 11 Master-At-Arms on Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection standards, totaling 1,536 hours of continuous security, resulting in a significant increase in the command's force protection reaction. PO1 ***** is a proven leader with sustained superior performance. save. [6] The Master-at-Arms rating is formally disestablished in accordance with BNCL 921 March 24, 1921, and made effective 1 July 1921. **, *** MY # OF 111 SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. In addition, Navy Master at Arms may be called upon to provide disaster relief and humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural or man-made disasters. He conducted over 500 hours of in-classroom, on-the-job and simulator training in preparation for certification for all mission sets for the upcoming deployment of 2020. Traveling, working long hours, and enduring long contracts are all part of the job. *** DEMONSTRATES PRIDE IN HER WORK, EXCEPTIONAL INITIATIVE AND A POSITIVE IMPACT. The RSCA for E5 is 3.00. Originally, MA were responsible for enforcing discipline aboard ship, maintaining firearms and ammunition, and guarding the ships stores. Delivered 14 hours of EXW training for 23 Sailors yielding seven EXW qualifications. Scheduled and managed 82 schools for Sailors, oversaw 724 critical qualifications, and 182 AA&E screenings, meeting requirements and qualifications vital for mission needs. Worked with the local military kennel to gain her kennel support qualification. He assisted ESCS in range operations as line coach and weapons watch for six days resulting in the qualification of 12 personnel in CSW weapon systems as well as ensuring accountability of weapons, ammunition and ancillary gear required to conduct a CAT 2/3 range. As CTT member, he was instrumental in the planning of the final briefs and organization of ULTRA-C events. The Master-at-Arms, or police officer of the ship, wore the white five-pointed star of authority.[14]. ***MY # OF 88 SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS!!! Upon his arrival at CRS2, MA1 immediately hit the deck to requalify Chief of the Guard, an in-depth qualification that usually requires nine months of training. WHILE SERVING AS U.S. Directly contributed to Operation Southern Partnership Station seizing 2,300 kilos of cocaine and 1,600 pounds of Marijuana valued at over $80,000,000. Completed 800 hours towards Police Officer 1 for U.S. Military Apprenticeship program certification and 16 NKO courses. RANKS #4 OF 25 IN ECHO COMPANY. As the primary law enforcement organization on a naval installation, Master-at-Arms may perform their duties operating a patrol vehicle or Harbor Security Boat (HSB); standing watch (or post) at a gate, pier or flight line as a fixed or roving sentry; conducting traffic enforcement; conducting interviews or interrogations; collecting evidence or securing a crime scene. -SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. These dictate the posture as our security forces stand their watch and any additional measures put in place, from more watches to closure of a base. MA1 qualified in 4 months improving command readiness with the number of qualified watch standers to support the upcoming deployment 5 months after his arrival to the command. As departmental Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society representative, he was directly responsible for raising $1,000. He supervised and trained 24 Sailors in 3M, including 104 spot checks increasing the companies 3M knowledge, and devoted 103 hours for Range Staff, qualifying 60 Sailors in small arms and crew served weapons, directly enhancing command readiness. MA2 Matthews is a motivated Sailor who produces exceptional work with limited supervision. ***, *** MY #4 OF XX HIGHLY TALENTED FIRST PETTY OFFICERS! The MAA is responsible for law enforcement, physical security, and force protection aboard Navy installations. -COMMAND INVOLVEMENT. Resulting in increased watch bill flexibility. ***. As one of the leaders in the platoon he has mentored all his subordinates on the importance of military bearing. -INNOVATIVE LEADER. *** A PROVEN ASSET TO ECHO COMPANY AND COASTAL RIVERINE SQUARDON TWO! MAs are currently deployed in expeditionary security locations around the world, providing landward and seaward security for joint operations. 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